Thursday, May 19, 2022

Return of the Native

A fish native to the northeast but absent from a central Maine lake reached China Lake for the first time since the Revolutionary War. Alewives Alosa pseudoharengus), species of herring, have been prevented from reaching interior waters in the migration from the sea. The species is famous for invading the Great Lakes by bypassing Niagra Falls through the Welland Canal becoming abundant in Lakes Huron and Michigan to the detriment of indigenous fish like the lake trout. [photo:AP]

Maine Rivers, a conservation group, was successful working for the removal of three dams and installation of a fish ladders on three other dams that helped the fish's return. Alewives are important to the marine food chain as prey for larger fish and humans who prefer them smoked. Alewives are also popular bait fish in the lobster industry. Considered a "species of concern" by the US Marine Fisheries Service, several northeastern states have imposed moratoriums on catching the small but agile fish.