Tuesday, July 23, 2024

COTW: 'Bigrant' Crime

That's what the genius leader of the Cult of Personality coined for an alleged increase in migrant crime.  Like so many other of his claims it is unsupported by reality. US citizens commit far more crimes per capita than immigrants. According to recent research on the subject, immigrants are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than U.S. born citizens, and 30% less likely relative to U.S. born whites. The fact is that Repugnants repeatedly trot out crime as a means of scaring voters into voting for them since Richard Nixon. This chart shows the reality and how far the manufactured perception is from reality:

Here is a breakdown of crime types in 2022 showing property crimes to be the largest category:

If you watched even a few minutes of the cult gathering in Milwaukee, you should realize that what used to be the Republican Party is now no longer interested in governance, but rather producing a bizarre, demented facsimile of a reality-TV show that is part circus, part professional wrestling and all about Trump.