Saturday, July 27, 2024

TWIT: A Yellow Dog

More:  Why hasn't US Person endorsed VP Kamala Harris you may ask? Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) explains the reasons cogently in this interview on MSNBC:

Here is Trumpilini's idol after a 1926 assassination attempt:

The would-be Trump assassin managed to kill the wrong person with eight NATO (5.56mm) rounds. His ear was only grazed by one of the bullets.  History does not repeat itself, but it certainly has reoccuring themes.  Kamala Harris will have difficulty convincing fence-sitters she is up to the job. (38% favorable vs. 52% unfavorable) Anybody not irretrievably enthralled by the Repugnant personality cult should vote for a yellow dog instead of a twice impeached, four times indicted, convicted felon who intends to end democracy "on day one".  US Person certainly wishes Ms. Harris well at the "battle box" (sic).  She will have to project an entirely more energetic, cogent persona than did old Joe lately, who appeared catatonic, if not confused at times. Biden suffered two near fatal brain annurisms in 1988. Yet he served in public office for 48 years, longer than Joe Stalin!   

After weeks of intra-party dissension created by big-money donors and stoked by the CMM, the elderly President finally decided the odds were against him.  Recovering from COVID, his advanced age and deteriorating condition became undeniable, even for the candidate. Don the Con is only three years younger than Biden.  It will be telling if the CMM ignores his age, while it pummeled Biden with his. A side note: Trumpilini's medical records while in the White House have gone missing.  You could not ask for a person less fit to be President, again. His psychopathology alone disqualifies him.  Will the Democrats (led by Obama?)  find a way to screw themselves and the country?  Stay tuned.