Saturday, August 24, 2024

TWIIT: Don Under Glass

What no TWIT this week? Is the sky falling?  No, but the truth is--at PNG the policy is the truth all the time--that there are no significant developments to report. Another truth is that Don the Con's plan to freeze the criminal prosecutions against him with political hoopla is working like a charm.  Three out of four cases are stalled at the appellate level and the NY fraud case may also be postponed for voting. It is as if the criminal justice system has abrogated its duty to dispense justice and is sitting back to let the people decide his fate in an election. Talk about third-world! One side gives us half-ass platitudes, the other weird gripes,  reflexive projection, and a lot of lies. Even the conservative National Review said the quiet part out laid, calling Trumpilini a "weak, unpopular, undisciplined candidate running at the head of a weak, minority electoral coalition". The other inconvenient truth is that he is running to stay out of jail.  So you choose.

The big story this week is RFK Jr. ending his Quixotic independent campaign, and giving his support to the demagogue, who apparently has promised him consideration for a big job in his administration. In Kennedy's announcement he complained about "media control" that ended his bid. Perhaps it was the story about his brain worm, or the dead bear cub he wanted to eat. Whatever, it is a sad ending to a sad story, as one of Kennedys lamented. But understandable, given what the formerly powerful political dynasty has been through over the years. Kennedy's endorsement will buy Trumpilini little additional support outside of his delusional base.

credit: Ohman