Thursday, August 01, 2024

TWIT: Old One-Eighty

credit: Bennett, Chattanooga Free Press
BC Idonwanna sez: USA, USA !!!

Stupid Don the Con exhibited is inherent racism again this week, and his Party's lack of vision for America. US Person, aka the Fraudulent Marxist, does not count the dystopian, bourbon nightmare Project 2025 as a progressive vision. Their only vision is for a return to the 1950's when white supremacy was secure.  Ochre Menace is taking a lot of flack for disparaging Kamala Harris' racial background at a campaign appearance with black journalists. Like many American's of mixed racial heritage, she perhaps identified with both of her parent's heritage a different times in her life. US Person knows he has. Trumpillini and his white cult is all about lying, personal insults, and perceived victimization. Talk about "rude"! Ask E. Jean Carrol if Donny is not rudeness personified; his schtick is getting stale. His only response to a historic prisoner exchange with Russia that required the co-operation of our European allies, was to criticize the negotiators as an "embarrassment to our country". Spoiler alert!

On her part, Kamala is running as a centrist much like Barack Obama did. Not unusual for a Democrat who traditionally run towards the center.  She has retreated from her previous positions on issues.  As a candidate in 2016 she backed Medicare for All, and banning oil and gas fracking,  She is, however, supporting her President's policy on term limits for the Supreme Court, a proposal long overdue. The proposed term is 18 years with a President picking a new Justice every 2 years. Under this scheme both Thomas and Alito would be up for replacement first. How allowing inferior federal district and appellate judges  to continue serving life terms is difficult to reconcile. US Person would like to have the Court expanded to 11, which would alter the balance of power to 6-5 in favor of the conservatives with the possibility of a swing votes forming a majority.  There is nothing sacred or constitutional about a nine member Supreme Court, which was set by statue in 1869. The Court has had as many as ten members. (1863).

Ten days into the campaign, VP Harris has yet to detail her own policy agenda. Inquiring minds want to know! We expect more from progressive Democrats.

credit: de Adder
BC Idonwanna sez, Blowhard strikes again!