Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chart of the Week: The Parasite Known as USA

source: Clive Maund,
Only the United States can get away with this much money creation and not experience crippling hyperinflation. This is true because the dollar is the world reserve currency. If that relationship were to be disrupted or destroyed, the "exorbitant privilege" the US enjoys--creating debt instruments out of thin air denominated in dollars that are accepted in worldwide trade for goods and services--its world dominance would end without destroying the rest of the world. Killing the parasite softly with an alternative currency scheme is exactly what China and Russia are doing now. The US has made a strategic mistake by alienating and disrespecting Russia to the point of re-igniting the Cold War. But then that is exactly what the corporate warmongers in the Pentagon and its weapons industry want--the re-establishment of extremely lucrative demand they enjoyed for fifty years after WWII.

No amount of hysterical propaganda about Trojan trucks alters the fact that Russia, in a financial alliance with China, has the means to bring down the dollar. America itself is already crumbling within as greater numbers of its people collect government benefits--whether social security, disability, food stamps or welfare--and do not contribute to GDP. The middle class is being squeezed into indebted poverty [chart above] while economic recovery is flogged by the corporate media shills. In sharp contrast, those relatively few individuals whose wealth is based on financial manipulation, oil & gas or weapons manufacture are thriving. That sad fact does not stop the arrogant US elites from fomenting a crisis, Ukraine, as an excuse to conduct economic warfare against one of its militarily strongest competitors. (Thank you, Zbignew Brezezinski) Team USA cannot bomb the Kremlin into slavishly accepting the dollar corner on world trade without risking its own profitable civilization. So that is why President Putin and his Chinese counterpart are making moves toward an Asian trade sphere in which the dollar will NOT be accepted as legal tender. So it goes while the Current Occupant does a passable imitation of Nero at the golf course. US Person advises: militarized police is no accident, but preparation for what could come.

BRICS leaders at summit