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credit: David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Daily Star |
The truth is Donald is above parties because he is the leader of a mob. The more he appears to be above partisan politics, more more the mob cheers for him, waves their $40 golf hats, and chants "USA, USA!" Another truth is that Washington is a company town. In order to get legislation passed, you have got to have allies, but Der Donald goes out of his way to bash Repugnants. They were never very keen on him, anyway. Only their own ineffectual bumbling allowed him to seize their party's nomination. They were especially annoyed with him this week after 'the artisan of the deal' finally cut a deal with Democrats to keep the government running temporarily for three months. His erstwhile colleagues in Congress argued for a longer period, but he sided with the opposition in a meeting Wednesday. On Thursday he appeared to reach a compromise on an Obama immigration order that conservatives wanted overturned. No surprise at PNG, since Trump was for most of his adult life a registered Democrat, even if only for business convenience in a heavily Democratic New York City. Another truth: a narcissist has few real friends, just people he can manipulate*.
*Social critic C. Wright Mills wrote in The Power Elite, "Those who are on high are not suitable as models of conservative excellence. Nor do they themselves uphold any ideology truly suitable for public use. The very rich in America have been culturally among the very poor; the only kinds of experience for which they have been models are the material ones for money-getting and money-keeping. Material success is their sole basis of authority". If that observation was true in 1956, how much more so is it true of the nouveau-riche Donald in 2016?