Saturday, February 22, 2020

First Balllot Bernie

Now that Bernard has won three primaries, it is time for progressives to unite behind one standard to give him the Democratic nomination on the convention's first ballot.  The plutocracy has one effective weapon remaining to deny the people's choice the Democratic Party's nomination: 700 odd "superdelegate" votes.  These party office holders and insiders can only vote on the second and subsequent ballots at the convention in Milwaukee.  Sanders has proven his electricity by energizing a new generation of voters.  He has defeated the candidates of the Democratic establishment, and opportunistic plutocrats in plebeian clothing attempting to buy the nomination with their personal wealth in head-to-head primary contests. He is likely to strengthen his lead after Super Tuesday.  Sanders will go into the convention with the most pledged delegates from a crowded field. All progressive resources must now be concentrated on defeating the anti-Christ in office by giving Bernie a first round knockout. Feel the Burn!