Thursday, February 06, 2020

'Toontime: The Socialist Menace?

The story out of confused Iowa is this: Bernard Sanders, democratic socialist, won. He did it with a massive, on the ground movement that reached out to underrepresented persons, alienated by the system. He did it by his volunteers knocking on half-million doors. He did it by offering an alternative social reality opposed to more trickle down neoliberalism wrapped in progressive rhetoric that has only enriched the already super rich.  The party elite's tech fetish that caused them to rely on an app that was untested, did not work effectively, but produced by an insider, may be the final downfall of the Iowa Caucus as a political bellwether.  The Iowa caucus process is already frighteningly complex, so adding another layer of technology proved disastrous. In elections, nothing beats paper. The medium is durable, tangible, accurate, and reproducible, and with enough counters, fast.  Iowa caucus officials ended up counting paper ballots at the last resort.

Here is the other takeaway from Iowa: Joe Biden, bless his tortured soul, is yesterday's politician. He came a poor fourth; the Democratic anti-Bernie establishment is now embodied by the boy mayor, Pete Buttigieg.  Bernie may be old, but his politics are not: class struggle is still relevant in a capitalist society, and even more so after three decades of skewed economics. This is the moment the people have been waiting for so long, and they are willing to seize it to throw out the corrupt, tangerine poser that oppresses them while pandering to their most divisive instincts. Ignore the corporate capitalist mass media--the people full steam ahead to New Hampshire for Bernie and victory.  Get serious, vote for the Bern!

Warning: Anti-left propaganda dies hard.