Friday, March 27, 2020

EPA Stops Environmental Regulation Because Coronavirus

More: Something equally cynical is being done to Social Security.  Corporations will be allowed to suspend their contributions to the trust fund for the rest of the year as part of the $2 trillion, mostly corporate bail out..  The fact is that the market idolators who control the Senate and Executive will use any excuse they can, including a dangerous pandemic, to undermine any laws they consider to be 'socialistic'.  They want to return to an America before the New Deal.

How much more cynical and manipulative can this neo-facist regime become?  Apparently much more, as the EPA announced it will "temporarily" stop enforcement of its regulations on business and industry during the crisis and rely on self-regulating--an invitation to ignore pollution laws retroactive to March 13th. Companies violating pollution regulations will not be cited by the agency and monitoring will cease for an indefinite period. The EPA, now headed by a coal lobbyist, has become a ghost agency overrun by anti-regulation politicos.

The oil industry aggressively lobbied for this abdication of governmental oversight. American Petroleum Institute (API) executives wrote to both the Antichrist and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asking that they temporarily waive “non-essential compliance obligations”.  These include in the industry's jaundiced view delaying requirements for greenhouse gas reporting, providing flexibility on monitoring sampling and analysis required for drinking water permits and add certain delays or deferrals to pollution monitoring including reporting and repair of leaks. It is blatantly obvious these requests have nothing to do with the epidemic, but represent another cynical attempt to dismantle environmental protection laws polluting industries consider burdensome. 

I have not spoken from hiding
nor from a dark place of the Earth,
And I have not said to the descendants of Jacob,
"Look for me in an empty waste...." 
--Isaiah 45, 19