Tuesday, March 24, 2020

If Its Good for the Fish....

What happens when you slavishly follow the non-stop lies coming from the Antichrist in Office?  Answer: you poison yourself to death.  That is what happened to a Trump true believer in Arizona, who ingested chloroquine phosphate, an aquarium cleaner, because Il Douche told him the anti-malarial drug chloroquinine is effective against COVID-19.  The stupidity of Trump Believers apparently has no bounds.  A man and his wife were hospitalized after ingesting the chemical. Listed in critical condition, the wife survived; the husband died of cardiac arrest. There is minimal scientific evidence that chloroquine is safe and effective, but that did not sway these True Believers.  In the absence of a vaccine, other countries have tried using choloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in severe COVID-19 treatment as a desperate effort to save life, but there have been no controlled studies anywhere showing that it is safe and effective. There are reports from Nigeria that people have been hospitalized for chloroquine poisoning. There are, however, clinical trials in progress in response to some favorable anecdotal evidence. 

The couple was in their sixties, and lived in Maricopa County. Neither had been tested for corona virus.  The director of the local poisoning and drug information center said self-administering of an a chemical made for cleaning fish tanks was "incredibly foolish and dangerous".  So was voting for the Antichrist in office.  Apparently the victims were influenced by reading internet material about COVID-19, including misinformation from the Very White House. So US Person would like to repeat this public service message: AT PRESENT THERE IS NO KNOWN CURE FOR COVID-19.  The death rate in the United States from the disease is only around 2%, and mostly seriously affects individuals with compromised immune systems.  If you have symptoms, see a doctor, and do not swallow bleach or aquarium cleaner!