Thursday, January 14, 2021

No Home For You!

Killer's vengeance knows no bounds--even innocent wildlife is subjected to his wrath! His minions at the Fish and Wildlife Service decided to slash millions of forest acres from protection for the threatened spotted owl which is loosing population at four percent a year. The tiny owl has become the bĂȘte noir of the timber industry after the federal government halted logging in millions of acres of old growth forests when the bird was protected in 1990. The owl prefers to nest in old-growth Douglas firs that are valuable for their wood. The decision to reduce habitat protection by more than a third in the last days of the regime is seen by conservationists as a parting gift to timber interests that supported the worst president in US history. The 3.4 million acres (1.4 million hectares) removed from federal protections Wednesday includes all (>2 million acres) of Oregon’s so-called O&C lands, which spread over eighteen counties in western Oregon. Timber interests say the decision will right an economic wrong done to rural communities that depend on the timber industry. The decision will take effect in sixty days, if not reversed