Friday, April 09, 2021

'Toontime: Biting the Hand

credit: J. Ohman, Sacremento Bee

Need US point out the hypocrisy of McConnell & Co that knows no bounds? After decades of accepting and encouraging corporate funding, culminating in a Supreme Court decision that equates money with free speech, Citizens United, he has the gall to tell CEOs to stay out of politics because they opposed unwanted and unnecessary voting restrictions. McConnell: “I found it completely discouraging to find a bunch of corporate CEOs getting in the middle of politics. My advice to the corporate CEOs of America is to stay out of politics. Don’t pick sides in these big fights.” As usual in the Swamp, policy depends on whose ox is being gored.

credit: M. Wuerker, Politico

McConnell has received over $4 million in individual contributions from CEOs during his last few campaigns.