The former guy is like a poltergeist--he just will not go away. The Party of Sedition is so enthralled by the arrogant bully, it cannot pull itself out of his orbit. The simple fact is they got no one else who appeals to the racist remnant that make up the current and formerly 'grand old party'. Too bad for them--Matt Gaetz is headed to a captive audience behind bars. Democrats should not waste valuable time attempting to cajole POS fellow-travelers and representatives like the "dumb SOB" Mitch McConnell, whose only reaction to legislative proposals is. NO! Individual One is on the verge of a psychological breakdown as the dissonance with reality he experiences daily becomes overwhelming. His speech to desperate donors in Mar-a-lago, Florida is a good example--a freestyle rant full of delusion, personal attacks, and vulgarity. The deep pockets have lost their appetite for his toxic brand of red meat.
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credit: S. Sack, Star Tribune |