Friday, July 23, 2021

"Toontime: Is That All?

credit A. Zyglis, Buffalo News

It took New York prosecutors more than two years and two trips to the Supremos to get their hands on Killer's tax returns. That expenditure of time and resources must be measured in millions by now. To be satisfied only with convicting a company for significant tax evasion over fifteen years--a company viewed as a 'mom and pop' operation by New York business insiders--without finding criminal liability for its hands-on CEO or allowing CFO Allen Weisselburg to fall on his pencil to protect the boss is hardly worth the effort. Even though Killer signed the checks for the unreported fringies with his revolting, indecipherable scrawl akin to subway graffiti, it is will require an insider with knowledge to rat on 'Pop' and satisfy the required standards of criminal evidence beyond the double books. To reach that level of improbable denial even for a former president may require the law to indict Weisselburg's sons who also worked for Trump Org, or even Ivanka for "consulting fees" paid to her by the company when she was a full-time employee. Otherwise, the current tax case in Manhattan against Trump & Co. is little more than a side-show as the rails come off our republic.

credit: J. Darkow, Columbia Missourian; BC Idonwanna sez: Bridge of democracy ahead!