Saturday, July 10, 2021

'Toontime: While the World Burns

credit: M. Wuerker,; BC Idonwanna sez: Quick, call fireman!
Democrats in Congress procrastinate while the crises get worse. Rather than take a straightforward approach to passing overwhelmingly popular reforms by ridding themselves of a Jim Crow rule, they make fruitless attempts to engage with a revanchist cult bent on taking away their slim majority by hook or crook (mostly crook). The ludicrous impasse reveals what many pundits have repeatedly said, the Democratic Party is an inauthentic opposition engrossed by plutocracy, now only distinquished by the Right's lemming-like embrace of white national extremism. Let us call that what it is: modern American fascism.

Democrats have a rare chance to forge a multi-cycle majority by embracing non-nativist Populism. Biden's proposals for infrastructure rebuilding, climate action, and social program expansions enjoy widespread support among voters, urban and rural. The problem is that the party is reliant on the Money Power that controls policy since the days of Clinton who forged an alliance with Wall Street over Main Street. This explains why Biden backtracked on his election promise to support a public option for healthcare, and his willingness to indulge reactionary elements in his own party at the cost of degrading the planet and loosing democracy. America bashing? Ask Amos--not so much!