Monday, October 11, 2021

COTW: Peabody's Coal Train

When Joe Manchin3 said he was never a liberal, you have to give him credit for being consistent.  His investment portfolio totally corroborates his boast.  Look at this:

A whopping 71% of his investment income is from one company, Enersystems, a coal distributor to electric power generators, of which he owns $3 million in shares. The company also deals in "waste coal" or as it is known in West Virginia, "gob". Gob contains more mercury than bituminous coal and higher levels of sulfur, creating tons of polluting waste coal ash when burned. Easy to understand why he is willing to hold hostage the Democratic Caucus in the Senate. He will do everything he can to derail the Biden social agenda and its initial efforts to reduce global warming. The consequence?  Here, look at this:

Carbon emission levels have returned to pre-pandemic trajectory. That spells catastrophe for the planet. If you think Earth should not be held hostage by greedy capitalists that expect their "entitlements" to preferential tax treatment, unaccountability for trashing the planet, and exploitation of public resources contact Senator Manchin and tell him to get in line with the rest of his party or get out.  Because your children deserve a healthy place to live--space aboard the rocket ships is limited!