Monday, October 04, 2021

COTW: We Have Been Here Before

Is COVID-19 releasing its grip on the world? It appears that infection cases are dropping worldwide, The chart shows a 30% decrease in the US since late August. Or is this just part of an unexplained two month cycle?
Whether this trend continues during the winter when more people are indoors for longer periods remains to be seen. There is also a vast resevoir of unvaccinated. Then there are places like Alaska which has the worst infection rate in the world. The state has resorted to triage:
Epidemeologists think COVID-19 will be with us for a while as the virus shows remarkable flexibility in responding to its environment. According to the CDC there have been 10,510 new deaths caused by COVDI-19 in the last seven days. If that rate continues there will be an estimated one million deaths from SARS-CoVID-2 by the end of this year, surpassing the death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic by a wide margin.