Wednesday, December 21, 2022

COTW: Flat-lined

 See this chart from

The flat green line along the X axis is 50% of the rest of us--meaning that our wealth is so small in comparison to the top 1% that it does not register on this chart of the growth in wealth per household! The bottom 50% (63.9 million households) have so little wealth in stocks or mutual funds that the Feds "wealth effect" has no effect.  This 'effect' is due to asset price inflation which it has encouraged with cheap money also known as QE.  QE ended in 2021 when it started QT or raising interest rates in an effort to curb inflation.  The wealthy 0.1% (127,000 households) have a lot of money invested in the markets--on average $53.9 million per household in this analysis--which are pumped-up by QE.   QT has the opposite effect, showing a slight drop in their accumulated wealth (red line above), but the disparities between rich and poor in the US have never been greater.  Average net worth for the bottom--$70,800; average net worth for the top--$132.4 million.  Buddy, can you spare a dime?