Saturday, December 17, 2022

Los Angles' Celebrity Mountain Lion Euthanized

P-22 who became famous by appearing on security cams in the Hollywood Hills was euthanized on Saturday morning after sustaining injuries from is believed to be from a vehicle collision. Subsequent exams revealed a fractured skull and diseases of the kidney and liver.  A possible sign of declining health was his suspected killing of a Chihuahua mix being walked in the Hills.  He normally hunted coyotes and deer.  P-22 lived in Griffith Park until the age of 12, a prolonged life span for a wild male puma. The park spans only 8 square miles. He Territories of male cats normally range up to 150 square miles in area. His life inspired activists to campaign for wild space connectivity that resulted in the construction of a wildlife crossing over US Hwy 101 to the Santa Monica Mountains.  Construction began this year; when finished in early 2025, the crossing should be named in his honor.

P for puma 22 sometimes got into trouble.  He mauled a kola in the zoo; got sick after consuming a carcass filled with rodenticide; and in 2015 got stuck under a house. He never posed a danger to humans despite living in close proximity. P-22 was captured on December 12th in a Los Feliz backyard and given a CT scan.  Officials said he would either face confinement in a sanctuary or euthanasia because his prognosis was poor.  A director of the National Wildlife Federation was correct in saying, “We are part of nature and he reminded us of that.” Because of P-22's influence, many wild creatures will not have to brave death crossing the busy freeways of the metropolis.