Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dialogue with Hillary

Senator Clinton asked for dialogue in her web cast to announce her candidacy for president. Taking her at her word, I will be writing a post like this one in response to news reports about her statements on the campaign trail. Its better than shouting from the back of the room.
The Senator was in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday to rally her supporters. She said that the President misused the authority she voted to give him to wage an open ended war in the Middle East. She "regrets" the way he used that authority. Notice that she does not regret her action in giving it to him: Hillary OK, President BAD. She can nuance statements with the best of them.

She said the "proper debate" is what we do now. What we do now, Senator, is limit the President's ability to wage war in the region by limiting appropriations to support only current troop levels and future, lower levels. Something that is unarguably within Congress' power to do under Article I. The ending of the Vietnam War is ample precedent for using the power of the purse to end American involvement in what is now an agreed upon Iraqi civil war. I told Congressman Blumenauer (D-OR) this at a Democratic fundraiser on Friday night in Portland. Arguing over which partisan non-binding resolution to support is not "taking responsibility for having voted" for a war based on false premises. This is more Washington politics at the price of people's lives and limbs. One hundred thousand Americans in the streets demonstrated they will not accept only symbolic gestures from Congress.

Senator Clinton a few questions, please: do you also regret voting to limit bankruptcy relief for Americans struggling to pay outrageous medical expenses or living with extended unemployment because their jobs have been outsourced overseas?; Do you regret failing to deliver on the national health insurance brief given you by President Clinton at a time when your party controlled Congress?; Can you carry New York against that fabulous cross dresser, crime buster, and hero of 9/11, Rudolpho Guliani?; Do you know if Al Gore is now available? I look forward to future dialogue, Senator Clinton.

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