Monday, April 30, 2007

Gun Struck Revisited

Because the Virginia Tech mass murderer was treated as an outpatient and not committed to a psychiatric treatment center, he was still able to purchase a 9mm semi-automatic handgun in Virginia. He was able to do this despite the fact that a Virginia judge found him to be a danger to himself or others because of his mental illness. The governor has issued an executive order closing the loophole in the state's hand gun purchase laws. Thirty-two lives is a high price to pay for allowing Virginians to indulge in a false sense of security. Unfortunately one does not have to read tea leaves to know that this tragedy will repeat itself somewhere else. Simply look to the spike in handgun purchases and concealed weapon permit applications across the country. This character attends college in Utah where handguns like his 9mm Glock are permitted on campus. Its just sad.