Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made good on his promise to introduce impeachment articles against Vice President Cheney into the House of Representatives. HR 333 (at least they did not number it 666) must be considered by the House Judiciary Committee chaired by
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI). If
Conyers' previous public statements on the issue are any measure, the resolution should get a sympathetic hearing. However, the Speaker continues to voice her disapproval of impeachment proceedings, calling the
Charlatan "not worth it". Its obvious from that statement, she does not appreciate impeachment proceedings as the means the Founders intended for controlling an Executive branch that has become dangerous to republican government. Dismissing impeachment as a "distraction" from the business of passing progressive legislation is a red herring. She fails to explain how she expects to pass legislation benefiting the Democratic Party's political fortunes when the Charlatan wields the veto pen. He has already made clear he will veto any timetables associated with more spending for the defeat in Iraq. He is attempting to use the safety of American military personnel as a bargaining lever against Congress. Meanwhile, not a single item of the ballyhooed "hundred hour agenda" has yet been signed into law.
A Cheney spokesperson also belittled the resolution saying the Vice President "is focused on the serious issues facing our nation" Well, you cannot get more serious than life or death. Soldiers continue to die because Cheney deliberately mislead the nation and Congress about Iraq's threat to our national security. Critics are dismissing the resolution as a publicity stunt in
Kucinich's unlikely presidential campaign. Maybe, but Rep.
Kucinich is also doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing, representing the will of his constituents in Congress. The people are with
Kucinch demanding accountability, and they will be rallying this weekend in support of impeaching the man who is the most responsible for selling the Iraq war.
You can read the articles here. Thanks again, Congressman!