Monday, April 02, 2007

Significant Victories

The Supremes ruled 5-4 that the EPA can treat CO2 as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. This is an important decision in the fight against global warming. In 2003 the agency reversed a Clinton era rule that allowed the Agency to limit the amount of CO2 emitted from new vehicles. The court interpreted the term "air pollutant" to include carbon dioxide since it is the major greenhouse gas causing global warming. Of course our atmosphere includes CO2 as a natural ingredient, but scientific research shows that the amount of CO2 has been increasing at an unprecedented rate since the beginning of human industrialization on Earth. Another important aspect of the case was the Court's conclusion that environmental organizations have standing to sue under the Act because they can be injured by increasing global temperatures. The decision does not require the EPA to limit carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles. Those regulations will have to be made under a different administration than the current one.

More good news for emotional whale lovers and NRDC members like myself. The National Resources Defense Counsel has convinced the Mexican Government to donate 109,000 acres surrounding the San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja Sur to conservation. The lagoon is a world famous nursery for grey whales who make a 4000 mile swim down the west coast from the Arctic to mate, give birth and feed in the lagoon. The donation puts an end to Mitsubishi Corporation's ten year effort to locate the world's largest salt works on it shores. I have visited San Ignacio and its a truly inspiring place, almost otherworldly in its stark beauty and serenity. A huge plant would have completely destroyed San Ignacio's wild beauty and unpolluted habitat. Thank you, Mexico for a wise decision.