Friday, October 19, 2012

Toontime: Mitt in a Binder

Romney succeeded in handing the incumbent back the momentum with his "binders full of women" job applicant remark. Barry'O deserves some credit for what most pundits see as his narrow victory in the second debate; he was dribbling up the floor this time and got a stunning assist from moderator Candy Crowley[video]who checked Mitty's fact in real time. But what happened outside the Hofstra auditorium was more revealing of American presidential politics than the 'gotchas' inside. The Green Party's candidate for President, Dr. Jill Stein and her running mate were forcibly removed from the area when they walked toward the venue with supporters at 2:00pm. They were met by ranks of Nassau County and campus police. When Dr. Stein continued to walk toward the debate venue and sat down on the street, police arrested her and her running mate for "obstructing traffic". The Green Party candidates are receiving federal matching funds and consistently rate between 2 and 3% in national polls. Their names will appear on ballots throughout the United States. Also excluded from the debate was the Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson who is on the ballot in every state except Michigan and Oklahoma. Obviously, the Commission on Presidential Debates* has no interest in sharing its forum with anyone except the two major party candidates who are funded and approved by Amerika's plutocrats. Bottom line: Obama: 291.6 electoral votes; Romney 246.4 electoral votes. Needed to win: 270.

 *a private corporation financed by Anheuser-Busch and other large corporations. It was created by the two major parties to take the presidential debates away from the League of Women Voters. In 1988 Michael Dukakis and George Bush attempted to impose an agreed upon format for their debates on the League. It balked at the idea and released the contract to the public during a press conference at which they accused the major parties of hoodwinking the American people. The Commission has controlled the debates since.