Monday, August 29, 2022

COTW: A Tale of Two Charts

The state of play is summed up in these two charts:

Inflation is at its highest level in decades and so are corporate profits as shown above.  Corporate profit margins are at their highest since the 1950's.  Perhaps motivated by the extra chump change given to consumers during the pandemic, corporations have raised their prices and successfully passed on the increased costs of production to consumers, a variation of the old "bait and switch'.  Proof that smart shoppers shop at Target Corp., the company saw inventories swell, so prices were discounted to clear the shelves.

Meanwhile™the climate continues to get weirder.  China is in the middle of the worst drought recorded in global history (red represent areas of extreme temperatures during a 70 day heatwave). In Somalia it has not rained in more than two years.

Dallas-Ft Worth has experienced the fifth one thousand year rain event in less than four weeks causing catastrophic flooding.  The others: Death Valley, Kentucky, St. Lous, Illinois. One third of global warming can be attributed to methane.  The highest release of methane into the atmosphere hit the highest levels ever recorded in 2020.  That record was broken in 2021.  Somebody tell the football player/politician: yes, we do need more trees.