Monday, August 01, 2022

Land Iguanas Come Back to Santiago Island

Once endemic on Santiago Island in the Galapagos Archipelago,  the land iguana Conolophus subcristatus disappeared from the island in the early 20th century.  An expedition in 1903-06 from the California Academy of Sciences did not find any of the species still living there.  The Ecuadorian government relocated three thousand from a nearby island to restore ecological balance on Santiago.  In 1835 Darwin recorded a huge numbers of the terrestrial lizard during his visit.

The director of Ecuador's park system said that the relocation effort has been a success with a healthy number of iguanas of all ages.  Director Danny Rueda said, "It's a great conservation success story and strengthens our hopes of restoration on islands that have been affected by introduced species." [photo credit: R. Buendia]