Wednesday, August 03, 2022

COTW: War is Good Bidness

The majors are raking it in, and the Biden Administration seems powerless to stop the gouging.  This chart tells the all too predictable story:

Major exploration and production companies are reporting record setting profits in the first quarter of 2022.  Of course the war in Ukraine is a good excuse to raise prices even if the actual effect on the global market is constrained by offsets from other producing countries.  Brent Crude is now selling at $117 and a barrel can reach $130 in the USA.  Exxon-Mobil reported a three year high in earnings at the end of 2021of $8.8 billon.  You might reasonably ask if the company intends to spend its flush cash on more clean energy projects.NOT! The company plans a $30 billion stock buy-back program that will increase its stock price even more. Capitalism in action.