Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Loonkito Tragically Killed

Livestock herders in Kenya have killed ten lions. One of the ten killed last week was Kenya's oldest wild lion, a male named Loonkito, who wandered out of Amboseli National Park in search of food.  The lions killed eleven goats.  The deaths have government officials worried as it indicates a sharp escalation in human-lion conflict. Tourism minister Malonza traveled to the Mbirikani area to ask villagers to not spear lions, but to call wildlife services.  The government offers compensation for livestock killed by wild animals.

A tremendous drought in East Africa that has caused the death of uncounted numbers of animals are making owners less tolerant of predation.  Predators are struggling to find enough wild prey to survive, making  cattle, goats and pigs attractive targets.  Loonkito had a long life, as wild lions rarely live past fifteen years.