Monday, May 08, 2023

TWIT: The Commission

credit: E. Wexler

US Person
has been telling you since 2020 that the Ochre Menace's autogolpe attempt extended to all three branches of the federal government. Now, direct evidence of Congress members supporting his coup plot has surfaced as a result of discovery in the Dominion Voting Systems civil lawsuit against Fox (Fake) News.  Among others, Senator Ted Cruz went from disparaging Trump as "Commander in Twit" and a prolific liar in the primaries to supporting the plot to discredit duly elected members of the Electoral College voting for Joe Biden. Their scheme was to substitute a fake "commission" to decide who should win the 2020 election.  

This incredibly incriminating evidence comes in a private conversation the Senator had with CNN 'personality' Maria Bartilomo.  Apparently Ms. Bartilomo's off-record conversations she had with Trump supporters and campaign staff were taped.  Her producer, Abby Grossberg, has some ninety of these taped conversations in her possession.  They have been subpoenaed by Special Counsel Jack Smith.  When Bartilomo asked Cruz who would decide the election if Biden's electors were rejected, the Senator confidently replied that "a commission" would report on the status of a state's electors.  Cruz did not specify the composition of such a commission, or what federal law authorized such an extraordinary device.  No such provision is made in the Constitution.   The fact is, that Cruz's conspiracy line is extra-constitutional and illegal.  This inconvenient fact did not faze the deluded fanatics plotting to install a man considered to be a danger to the Republic for a second term.

A post a Daily Kos poses several question prompted by this revelation of Cruz's involvement in an attempted overthrow of the federal government.  US Person will give his answers here.  Were people at Fox part of the coup attempt?  Several prominent employees at Fox certainly knew of the plot.  Obviously Bartilomo did, and probably Tucker Carlson among others.  Whether they actually acted in pursuance of the plot is not known at this juncture.  However, Tucker Carlson continued to broadcast the Big Lie of election fraud even after the claims were discredited in courts of law.  Was Justice Clarence Thomas involved?   He probably had guilty knowledge of the planning through his wife, Ginni, a reactionary activist who actually called state officials to encouraged them to put forward alternate slates of electors.  He no doubt Injustice Thomas was counted upon to give favorable rulings in any 2020 election cases reaching the US Supreme Court.  Did any of the 147 members of the House voting with eleven Senators to not certify the results know?  Almost certainly a few of those did, but have not yet been identified.  Leading suspects are: Matt Gatz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Jim Jordan, and Don Johnson.  Watch this space.