Monday, October 14, 2024

Mutnomah County Sues for Climate Deception

It is the state's most populous county, deep blue, and location of Portland's metroplex.  It has joined Northwest Natural, the biggest provider of natural gas in the state to a suit filed last year alleging that seventeen fossil fuel companies deceived the public about the climate crisis.  The suit came after a record-shattering heat dome killed 69 people across the county. Research shows that climate change, caused by fossil fuel combustion, greatly exacerbated the heat wave of 2021. NW Natural is responsible for about 9% of Oregon's carbon dioxide emissions. Natural gas is mostly methane, a potent greenhouse gas, 80 times more potent in trapping heat than carbon dixoide. The suit alleges that,“NW Natural engaged in an enterprise of misrepresentation about the effects its products would have on the climate,” The company has touted its comittment to a carbon-neutral future, but has not implemented any changes that would reduce carbon emmissions according Multnomah County. 

 The lawsuit could be precedent setting, especially if successful in establishing liability for a major utility company. Advocates and lawmakers have petitioned for years to have the utility investigated by the state's Department of Justice for false advertising. Multnomah County also named an advocacy group for the first time, the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine, which environmentalists say has spread climate denial.  Also for the first time, the international consulting firm of McKinsey & Company was sued for its work with the oil industry.  The county is one of two dozen local and state governments that have resorted to suing the fossil fuel industry for damages suffered as a result of climate change.  It asks for $50 billion for the 2021 heat dome, and an addition $1.5 billion for future damages due to climate change.  Polling shows that a majority of Americans support litigation against big oil for its role in changing the Earth's climate patterns.