Friday, October 11, 2024

TWIT: Election Scheme 2.0

His mentor

 Federal District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan denied Trumpilini's request to keep the government's evidence proffer sealed until after the election.  Of course he does not want the voting public to know the massive amount of evidence the Special Counsel has collected to prove his crimes related to the January Sixth Uprising,  Chutkan quickly wrote in a brief decision that Don 'Legit's' political concerns were not "judicially cognizant" to justify further delay.  She did grant him a brief 7 day extension of time for him to assess his "litigation options",  presumably to file an emergency appeal to the DC Court of Appeals or with his friends at the Supreme Court.  Unless stayed by higher authority, the public will get to know the redacted version of the evidence annexed to the government's immunity brief before November 5th. Surprise, it's October!

credit: P. Molina

{6.10.2024} Old Don 'Legit' is the oldest candidate for president in history.  At 78 his deterioration is beginning to show so much that even the New York Times is commenting on it. Up until now the coverage of the age question has been totally one-sided--against Joe Biden. It lit\terally forced him out of the race after his questionable debate performance. The CMM has given the Ochre Menace a pass on the issue of cognitive decline. This is what the Times had to say:

He rambles, he repeats himself, he roams from thought to thought — some of them hard to understand, some of them unfinished, some of them factually fantastical. He voices outlandish claims that seem to be made up out of whole cloth. He digresses into bizarre tangents about golf, about sharks, about his own “beautiful body". He relishes“a great day in Louisiana after spending the day in Georgia. He expresses fear that North Korea is“trying to kill me” when he presumably means Iran. As late as last month, Mr. Trump was still speaking as if he were running against President Biden, five weeks after his withdrawal from the race.

America cannot afford a president who has a sociopathic personality. A president's finger is on the nuclear button.  His political hero is apparently William McKinley, who supported high tariffs, in an age before almost instantaneous international commerce. Simply put, the man is separated from current reality. Even his former chief of staff, John F. Kelly, called his White House, "Crazytown". You decide.

Update: Judge Chutkan ruled that no more briefs will be filed before the election. She did allow the defendant to file a Sur-reply after the election and gave him more pages. This totals four briefs, two for each side,  However, the 200 page appendix of evidence with footnotes already filed under seal by the government will be released before the election.  

{02.10.2024}The old saying goes to be careful what you wish for because you might get it.  When the Supreme Court commanded a "factbound" review by Judge Chutkan to determine what acts fall into prosecutable categories, they did not anticipate that the judge would order the immediate public release of the government's factual case against Don the Con. She did exactly that this week (Wednesday). The government filed a 165 page brief containing a stunning volume of incriminating evidence against Trump The brief detailed a premeditated criminal conspiracy affecting seven states to obstruct counting electoral votes and thereby defraud the American public of their constitutional right to elect the highest public office in the land. The acts described and supported by direct evidence are beyond a reasonable doubt private acts by a desperate presidential candidate that are not subject to the immunity blanket granted by six MAGA justices. Popock is calling the brief a "mini trial" of the former president. Trump minions opposed publication screaming foul, saying the release is intended to influence the election. They conveniently forget this factual preview was imposed on the District Court by the six justices they have in their pocket. Anybody but a former president and current candidate would have been convicted months ago. 

It is worth quoting the government's proffer from the brief, which is amply supported by admissible direct evidence showing his central role in the coup attempt:

His [Trump's] efforts included lying to state officials in order to induce them to ignore true vote counts; manufacturing fraudulent electoral votes in the targeted states; attempting to enlist Vice President Michael R.Pence, in his role as President of the Senate, to obstruct Congress’s certification of the election by using the defendant’s fraudulent electoral votes; and when all else had failed, on January 6, 2021, directing an angry crowd of supporters to the United States Capitol to obstruct the congressional certification. The throughline of these efforts was deceit: the defendant’s and co-conspirators’ knowingly false claims of election fraud.*

The government's reply brief containing even more evidentiary material will be filed before the end of the month providing an "October Surprise" for the Orange Menace. America's nine-year Trumpian nightmare will come to an end if Kamala Harris is elected president, but the existing hazard demands the abolition of the tainted Electoral College compromise+, which made his plot possible. 

credit: E. Wexler
BC Idonwanna: He's doing it again!

* JD Vance, his extremist running mate, continues to deny that Don the Con lost the 2016 election, preferring instead to "focus on the future".  US Person would too if he were on the same ticket as a convicted felon.

+ Dissatisfaction with the original method of electing senators by state legislatures began in the mid 1860s with calls for reform of a system perceived to be corrupt and which sometimes ended in deadlock without representation in the US Senate. (See the life of William Clark, Montana copper plutocrat) The issue came to a head by 1892 when direct election was made part of the famous "Omaha Platform" of the Populist Party.  In 1908 Oregon became the first state to adopt a popular vote for US Senator.  Nebraska soon followed.  Ten states had popular non-binding primaries.  In 1913 the Congress adopted the 17th Amendment after ratification by three-quarters (36) of state legislatures.  
Popular election of a President by constitutional amendment is impractical given modern political conditions.  The Interstate Popular Vote Compact is a way to achieved the same result as an amendment. The Compact is nearing the 270 electoral votes needed to go into effect with 209 enacted by state legislatures and 50 more pending enactment. Congressional approval of the Compact before it goes into effect is probably required under existing legal precedent.  Sponsors of the proposal have said that they will seek such approval if the 270 threshold is reached.