Thursday, October 17, 2024

TWIT: Swaying the Vote

BC Idonwanna sez: Notice how modern racists look alike!

Update: On the last day of the seven day continuance granted by Judge Chutkin,  Olde Trump's legal team filed a motion to stay public release of a redacted version of the prosecution's evidence appendix.  The judge will decided, shortly, whether to keep the public in the dark about the extent of the defendant's involvement in the conspiracy to usurp the peaceful transfer of power.  To do so would be an extreme disservice to democracy because people in a democracy have a right to know before they vote.  The Supreme Court has ordered in its remand a fact-intensive review of the evidence against the defendant.  In its motion the defense claims that pre-election release will prejudice the minds of any potential jurors since the defense does not have a contemporaneous opportunity to file its evidentiary appendix. Left unexplained is how he is prejudice if he files his evidentiary index after the election but before trial. Any prejudice to the defendant, if any. is outweighed by the public's right to know the evidence of candidate Donald Trump's criminal activities.   The real concern of the defense is the effect the evidence will have on voters, NOT jurors.  If their client looses the election, he is in more serious legal jeopardy. 

{17.10.2024}What else can he do--he's got nuthin'.  The pressure must be immense: facing incarceration if he looses, behind in key swing states, no policy that makes common sense forcing him to rely on fear-mongering ("the enemy within").  The oldest presidential candidate in history at 79, in questionable health, is simply overwhelmed.  This is what comes of a lifetime of grifting and bad diet.  His so-called town hall in swing state Pennsylvania was a PR disaster.  He subjected his shrinking number of supporters to 39 minutes of swaying to the soundtrack (dancing is too generous a word).  No wonder people leave early. The long con is finally coming to an ugly end.  It was fun for the alienated while it lasted too long--watching the demented, orange clown stick it to the political establishment with the 'weave' and 'fake news'.

Just the facts, ma'am: The voluminous new evidence filed under seal by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is about to be released in redacted form by the DC federal district court since Old Don has missed the deadline to file an appeal, request a stay, or petition for emergency relief or otherwise prevent the bombshell about to be dropped on him. The fact is that this evidence release so close to the election is the direct and undeniable result of the MAGA Court's attempt to give the first criminal president in this nation's history a get-out-of-jail free card.  Smith also filed a brief arguing that the Fischer decision, one of the three Justice Robert's decisions supporting Trump's autogolpe is satisfied. The Trump co-conspirators attempted to use false elector certificates from seven swing states to persuade the Vice President to accept an alternative slates of electors supporting Trump's election.  Still to be decided is the question of whether Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed.  Based on precedent that argument is a looser too.