Saturday, June 06, 2020

Anti-Nature Trump Exploits More Wildlife

Behind the headlines of social unrest, inflamed by an unstable dolt hunkered down in his own Green Zone once known as the White House, more previously protected habitat is being opened to commercial exploitation.  In a presidential proclamation, the Antichrist in Office rolled back another Obama environmental initiative opening five thousand square miles of North Atlantic Ocean within an undersea monument to commercial fishing.  In making the decision, he said he could not see any reason for withdrawing so large an area, ignoring the justification for protecting endangered species and their habitat. The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument protects the habitat of endangered whales, sea turtles, and ancient deep sea corals [photo courtesy NOAA].

The order is just the latest installment in a concerted program of reversing environmental protection laws that irritate natural resource exploiters. The Antichrist signed an executive order allowing federal agencies to waive environmental rules to speed approval of energy projects like oil pipelines on Thursday. An NRDC spokesperson said the conservation organization is prepared to litigate his removal of fully protected status for the only North Atlantic marine monument.

Use the 3D system....