Wednesday, June 10, 2020

COTW: Pet Rock Performs

It is undeniable that the pet rock has become an alternative investment vehicle in modern times. Traditionally it is a safe haven from the the manipulated market subject to increasingly abrupt reactions to economic crises, and devaluation of fiat currencies. Gold has performed well since the gold standard was completely abolished by Nixon in '71.  Post 2000, gold's value has skyrocketed coinciding with the reliance of central banks on radical money creation. The smaller charts at the bottom of this graphic show that gold has outperformed the S&P 500 in the short (1 yr) and long term (25yrs.) This chart courtesy of Visual

Meanwhile® the novel corona virus is still with us, despite what the regime would like to have you think before Election Day. Some states are experiencing high levels of positive test results. (AZ, MA, VA, NE, UT) Also, the WHO reports that last Sunday was a record for new cases worldwide.  Reopening economies continues in a time of plague.

US COVID-19 deaths (est.) 162,400