Saturday, June 06, 2020

'Toontime: Fooled Again

The 'anointed' Total Douche, desperate to reverse his falling re-election prospects, celebrated the only positive headline available this week midst spreading virus and violent cops: the May jobs report from the Department of Labor.  It said that the unemployment rate dropped to 13.3% with 2.5 million jobs coming back.  Thanks for small favors; graphically the rebound looks like this:

The increase in jobs means 19.6 million jobs are still gone.  The official figure is without doubt an undercount, as the department itself admits. The figure only counts those who are actively seeking work.  U-6 is a better measure of unemployment because it counts those unemployed who have given up seeking a job, or are working a part-time gig but want full time employment.  That figure is at 21.2% in May.  US COVID-19 deaths (est.): 154,050

credit: M. Wuerker, Politico

 It's how I roll....